Ma's maith leat síochaint, cairdeas, a's moladh....Eisc, faic, is fan balbh! (Translated means If you wish for peace, friendship and praise....Listen, look and be dumb!)- Irish Proverb

Wednesday 29 October 2008

Spiritual Love

I know anyone who is reading this blog rigjht now who does not know me or the situation I find myself would wonder why I talk so much of love right now. I hope those who so know will understand and bear with me.

Spiritual love is the one love we should all strive for. It is the most dangerous type of love, for it is often mistaken for so much. It is mistaken for jealousy, it is mistaken for unrequited lust, it can be mistaken for cheating.

It is none of these, it is the bravest form of love. It is the love that gives regardless of pain, it is the love that goes through hurt, lies and so much more.

It is the love that can be walked away from, then picked up a time down the line as if nothing happened.

It is the love that is not sexually driven, or even sensually driven. It is just there. It isn't a factor if the people involved are gay or straight, related or not, as long as they care then it is spiritual love.