Ma's maith leat síochaint, cairdeas, a's moladh....Eisc, faic, is fan balbh! (Translated means If you wish for peace, friendship and praise....Listen, look and be dumb!)- Irish Proverb

Saturday 1 November 2008

Happy Pagan New Year

To all my friends, my readers old and new.

The new year is a new start for me. Some things have to change in my life. Some things have been started but this is thinking month.

I need to decide what direction I need to take in so many different ways right now. I am looking forward to seeing where I am this time next year. Location wise I am hoping to be in the general area that I am right now, however mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally I hope to be in a much nicer place.

I want the old me back, there are so many things I miss from the old me. There are sadly parts of my life which will never be coming back.

Some things never reached their full potential in my past, I did get a lot from having experienced them as far as they went but right now it is time to take new experiences in my life and see where their potential takes me.

So blessed Samhain, Happy Halloween and Happy All Souls Day! May this year be special for everyone not just me.


Celticspirit said...

Do you think you can ever get your old *self* back? Isn't life ever changing? I think the best we can do it keep the good parts of who we used to be as we finally remember who we really are. Peace to you.