Ma's maith leat síochaint, cairdeas, a's moladh....Eisc, faic, is fan balbh! (Translated means If you wish for peace, friendship and praise....Listen, look and be dumb!)- Irish Proverb

Wednesday 12 November 2008

Grins Happily

I see Enya has a new album out, her voice is one of the most beautiful I have heard anywhere. It always reminds me of how I imagine music to sound in the next world, that for me being of course Tir Na Nog. Her voice is like a fairy's to my imagination. Her music sends me into deep meditation and conjures all sorts of wonderful images. Though she uses Gaelic, English and a language created for a novel written by someone I forget the name of, the lyrics always sound like the Elvish written by Tolkien for the elves in his books.

I'm going to pick it up on route home tonight if it is in stock where I normally buy CDs. I'll probably upload it to my Imeem at and possibly put a proper review somewhere too. There will also be as part of the review one of the tracks from the album shared on blog.

That being said, if the weather is really bad this weekend I think it might just be time for a Lord of the Rings movie festival on the laptop! It's been a few months since I watched any of it so it might be time for that treat once again.