Ma's maith leat síochaint, cairdeas, a's moladh....Eisc, faic, is fan balbh! (Translated means If you wish for peace, friendship and praise....Listen, look and be dumb!)- Irish Proverb

Sunday 16 November 2008

Soul Mates? – Reposted With Some Amendments

One thing that I get asked a lot is do I believe in the existence of soul mates? The answer is kind of, I don't believe in the Greek school of there only being one person that completes you. I believe in the Anam Cara of Celtic belief. When you translate Anam Cara into English from Gaelic it isn't soulmate or soul lover, it's soul friend and that is what I believe in.

It takes more than one person to complete any one person and bring everything that is good out of a person, we have several friends who we wouldn't be without. I have my share of those and I am delighted in who they are. I hope that I bring out qualities in them as much as they do in me. Remember each Soul Friend is someone who is part of your life, they aren't it all!

Q. Do I believe Soul Friends are romantic only relationships?

A. No, they don't have to be, though obviously some of them can be, most of my soul friends are not people I have any interest in romantically and visa versa and in most cases it has never crossed my mind.

Q. Do I believe that we have known Soul Friends in previous lives?

A. Yes I do, though I believe we knew their energy not necessarily their entire soul. I also believe we add to them in each life.

Q. Do I believe Soul Friends are for life?

A. No, I believe some are in our lives for a time to teach us thiings, when their time is up it is up and nothing less we need to learn more about what they are there to teach us is going to bring them back into our lives.

Q. Are Soul Friends all of the gender we are attracted to?

A. No, many will be of the other gender, they will be as diverse as our friendship base.

Q. Will a Soul Friend always understand you?

A. No, please remember they are human and fallible too!

Q. Are Soul Friends people from where we live?

A. In my experience not always, many if not all mine live elsewhere.

Q. Would you marry a Soul Friend?

A. If I had the chance yes, as my Soul Friends understand me better than anyone else.

Q. How do I find out someone is one my Soul Friends?

A. My experience is mixed, but you will just know when they are a Soul Friend.

Q. Can someone become your Soul Friend overnight?

A. I would say no, but you may feel it is possible after one day.

There are many other wonderful facets to soul friends that I haven’t covered, they may get covered in due course though.