Ma's maith leat síochaint, cairdeas, a's moladh....Eisc, faic, is fan balbh! (Translated means If you wish for peace, friendship and praise....Listen, look and be dumb!)- Irish Proverb

Wednesday 26 February 2014


Wednesday 13 May 2009


Thursday 1 January 2009

Some Spiritual Thought

It’s been a while since I put anything on here, new exciting or different to what has been featured elsewhere, though I have to say I find it sad that this blog which is probably least written in but most enlightening about me is read by so few.

I am going to talk about where I see my spiritual development going in 2009.  In 2008 I have denied much of what I felt was rightly something I should have as part of my spiritual development because I felt it would cause others to have their dreams damaged.

This year sees me taking a different tack, this year is the year things I found unacceptable in the past but suffered in silence to those who it involved, becomes a vocal force.  Where I see injustice I will be saying so, where I see abuse I will be saying so.  This doesn’t necessarily mean I am seeing it now but long have I let others have the upper hand on me because I have felt I haven’t been worthy of the achievement of getting what I wanted.

It’s time after 38 years to quit being the understudy and become a lead actor.  My strength of personal character is coming back, even though tonight I again denied something for an easy life for others.  That is for the short term, I will not deny it ever again once the current situation is sorted.

I am when I am back to full physical strength going to see to it that I make an offering to the Gods in my sacred place, of some wine and some food to ask them to help by staying by my side when I need their council.  I’ve said it before my Gods aren’t people I fear they are my peers much as my friends are.  I will be asking all the skill of Herne/Arawn as a hunter to keep my senses for opportunity to better myself alert, Macha, for support in forming strategies to work through things, then Danu/Anu mother of my people to give me strength to nuture and love those who feel unloved and have been victims of warfare on the spiritual plains.  Arawn has hinted I am due a pack of hounds of my own to control soon, he breeds the finest in the next world, they are the original pure bred Welsh Foxhound, which I grew up around in the 1970’s and 1980’s.  I am no longer messing round if you annoy me enough I will set these beasts to your door, fortunately no one who even knows this blog’s address will ever need worry but there are those close who might just do so.  And trust me, having been their quarry myself this lifetime I know they mean business!

During the year I am sure there will be others I shall call on to sit with me a while and offer words, as I do I will introduce them to this blog.  Be aware I will be calling on some pretty interesting characters of my belief system if some of my fears get proved to be true.  Some will be the great healers, some the great wordsmiths, other great hunters and other’s just great people, yes that’s right people, Gods are like us, sometimes they even are us, as they take human form to deliver their own message.

However that’s enough thought, I’ve rambled enough and my pain medication kicked in at last so bed calls for me, Happy New Year if you deserve it, may the Gods watch over you.

Sunday 21 December 2008

Whilst Wandering Round

The internet, I found the most beautiful site selling Grimoires I really recommend this site as a must view.  Hopefully by next year I will have enough money to afford one of their masterpieces.  Whether I will use it as a Grimoire I do not know.

Ok so what is a Grimoire anyway?

If you have watched Buffy, Angel, Charmed or most other supernatural fiction series you might know it as a Book of Shadows it is also called that in Wicca. has a rather poor explanation  of Grimoire



a manual of black magic (for invoking spirits and demons)

Whilst it is true that it can contain such information, I really roll my eyes at the use of the term Black Magic, Magic has no colour, in my world and my work either.  It is the intent of the user that makes magic have colour, for example some people call themselves a white witch because they practice things like healing and the like which is pure.  Myself I am a druid and I do not need to colour myself.  I don’t particularly involve myself in spells and the like, because I believe that the will of the Gods is more important than the free will we would be modifying by a spell.  Although I will ask for protection for friends in need I do not believe that it is a spell, it is a request to friends to help where they can and an offering is given up to them.

The site is and I really love several designs, which I will link you below so you can make your mind up which is most fitting for me.

The Triquetra Grimoire

The Celtic Dragon Grimoire

The Triskell Grimoire

The Raven Moon Grimoire

I will make the decision in the new year which I am going to go for, but any preferences will be noted.  Please do pass on to anyone you know who likes fine work the links above as the more opinions I get the better!

Saturday 13 December 2008

Is Survival Selfish?

An odd topic for blog especially a spiritual one you may ask.  But in order to survive even spiritually one has to think who our spiritual life involves.
Our spiritual life is something that involves those around us, but who does it affect most?  It should affect all that are round us.  But at the end of the day our spiritual survival which is obviously part if you believe in reincarnation etc of our spiritual life.
Our spirits are fragile in my view and are the part of us that is most vulnerable.  If we get damaged in one life, whose to say the anger and frustration doesn’t seep out into our next life?
In order for us to survive we have to put our needs first, no matter what we have been taught by our elders about putting others first.  Yes sure we can help others, but we can only go so far before it affects us as souls.  Our souls are built for our survival but like our bodies they bruise.
So to survive as the pure spirits we possibly want to be I would say yes we have to be selfish, put our needs above others but not so that we are devoid of compassion for our fellow man.  There is only so far we can go with it before it erodes us.